Web Design Articles – Explanations, Tips and Checklists

I have written a number of articles on web design to help you understand some of the issues and make the right decisions for your own website. There are explanations, some tips and some checklists plus some FAQs.

What is responsive design and why do we need it?

Responsive design means the web page responds to the device screen size. Resulting in dynamic layout and appearance changes to suit the screen size of the device viewing the website. So you might get different layouts on each of a desktop, tablet and mobile.

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Web Design FAQs

Here are some web design questions and answers. They tend to be brief and specific. In some cases they have been extracted from longer articles or pages and where relevant I have referred back to the original article at the end in case you would like to know more. There is a WordPress FAQ which has a long list of Q&As in the one article. There are also FAQ’s about WORKING WITH US mixed in. These tend to answer a long list of questions in the one article covering things like timescales, costs, support and so on.

Where can I get good quality Photos for my website?

Copyright issues mean you cannot use photos and artwork without permission. Searching for “Free images” on google can be rather misleading. Royalty-Free does not mean free to use. There are some sources of images that really are free to use, or free to use subject to certain restrictions but be careful.

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